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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Beautiful, Wonderful Drive!

A few days ago when we drove from El Paso, TX to Carlsbad, NM (on the way to a meeting in Big Spring, TX) we saw some completely gorgeous mountains!  The weather was not too hot even though we were driving through desert but the scenery was beautiful.

My Beloved faithfully drives the big rig.  I'm so thankful that he's an excellent driver!  Some folks have asked me if I drive this thing, and I tell them emphatically "NO!"  Secretly, though, it would be nice to try my hand at it on a straightaway...maybe!  Perhaps if no one else is on board and we can stop all traffic.

As we drove, I prepared lunch.  That day we had tuna salad, which we normally have about once a week.  You won't find fancy bowls in our motorhome; there are no pretty dishes or quaint heirloom plates - just plastic, plastic, and more plastic.  When I took this picture, it was on a pretty bouncy road, so it is still a little blurry.

That day, two of us worked together to make a never-before tried tuna salad.  The results were, well, let's say, less-than-impressive, at least to me.  Some in my family, who shall remain nameless, really loved it, but my fellow chef and I thought it was, um...interesting!

We drove through more desert, but we also saw -, which was stunning in the radiant blue sky topped with wispy clouds.  Lydia was clicking away at it when I took the above photo with my IPad, and this is what she was taking pictures of:

We're so thankful to be able to travel in this ministry!  It's exciting to be able to see such wonderful sights!  And . . . thankfully there were no problems like blown tires or leaky radiators!!  

God is good!

Rolling on for Jesus,

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