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We are temporarily at LisaRaub.blogspot.com while we (my "web-design daughter," Sharon and I) work on a new website! Thanks so much for sticking with us!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Free E-Book!!

"Mom, you've got to get this book!  You will LOVE it!" my oldest daughter exclaimed over the phone.  Her dear husband recently got her a Kindle, and she and I have been swapping great titles, sharing stories of good - and bad - reads.

I wasn't real fond of her previous recommendation, but I think it's just me (I'm a bit odd when it comes to reading material), so I was a little unsure of this one.  Once I downloaded How To Live On Twenty-Four Hours a Day, and began to read it, however, I found it to be a really interesting, as well as helpful book.

The setting is in the mid 1800s, so some of the examples are quite far-fetched (and of course it was written for the working man, not for the homeschooling mom), but the principles are timeless.   So far, I have had a lot of food for thought from this little gem.  In fact, since implementing some of the changes in my life, I've accomplished more with less effort.  This I thought to be impossible, since my days are extremely packed, but if it could help me, it can probably help you.

Go ahead and download your own copy, and let us know how you like it!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Life in a Nutshell

Skies are blue, and road is gray,
God is worthy
Every day!

God's Will - Nothing more.

          God's Will - Nothing less.

                   God's Will - Nothing else!

Keep Rolling on, dear ones!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Rolling On...

Looking into the sunshine!
It's been a long and busy week, full of good fellowship and many opportunities.  And since I'm standing on the eve of another busy week, I'm going to fill you in on things and move on.

The weekend before last we were at Mountain Home, Idaho, home of the Mountain Home Air Force Base.  We were able to make some good contacts, some folks who would like us to come back to help them reach onto the base.  We also handed out some Military Editions of John/Romans at a huge fair!

During that weekend, I was also able to get another survey for my upcoming book, for which I am very thankful!

Last week, we stopped by The Dalles, Oregon, and had a meeting at a church there, and I picked up a few more surveys.  The Lord has blessed, and I have about 52 in all now.

I also had a wonderful opportunity to speak to a Ladies' Group on Thursday night, as well as to another ladies' group just this past Sunday morning!  For both, I spoke on the same topic, one of the patterns I see emerging as a result of my survey.  It is a blessing to me to see God working, and I think it was a blessing to the ladies, as well.

Soon the Rolling Raub Ranch will be moving on, headed toward a military project in Canada!  Please pray for continued safety, and especially that we will be used of the Lord to accomplish His purpose.

A cute little friend came to visit us!
Stopping for a little break

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ready to Run?

ANNOUNCING....(drumroll, please)

The Family Fun and Fitness 5K!  

This fall, we've scheduled it for October 15, 2011.  Everyone who's anyone is invited to participate, right in your own neighborhood.  Our desire is to get families to start doing some sort of exercise together, with the goal of walking/running a 5K together.

Our family did this last year, in May, and I had purchased exercise shirts for all.  It was a great way to motivate young people to get out and try to get fit.

This year, we're doing it again!  Some will walk, while most will run, and some will do both, but we'll all have some fun.

Why don't you join us?

Googling "how to train for my first 5K" will get you started.  Put your comments here to let us know you will be participating, and we'll all moan, groan, and laugh together!

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