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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Angels Unawares

Do angels ever show themselves to folks nowadays?

I'm not sure, but sometimes, I think the Lord sends one every once in awhile to encourage and bless me.

I had just finished my run, and was doing some exercises at the playground when an older gentleman came up to me.  We had a bit of small talk, and he asked some questions about what we do and why we are here.  When I told him that we travel in the ministry, his eyes glowed, and when I explained our ministry to the military, he really was excited. 

Knowing that we travel a lot, he asked whether I had been to Isreal yet.  "No, not yet," I replied, laughing and waving toward my children, who were waiting for me in the van.  "I still have a pile of children at home, and it's a bit expensive to get over there."

He went on to tell me about his recent trip to Isreal, and how when he reads the Scriptures in the morning now, he knows the places.  As he described the sights of Jerusalem and spoke of Bethany, my mind went to Lazarus, Martha, and Mary.  How wonderful it must be to see that place!

Then, before we parted, he gave me a handshake, saying, "You would not believe how the Lord has blessed me financially, and in all sorts of ways.  I want to be a blessing to you, and treat you to lunch."

I felt something in my hand, and when I got to the van, I saw it was a fifty dollar bill.

Does God send angels without us realizing it? 

I think so.

Angels unawares. 

Has God ever sent someone to you to encourage you?  Please share your blessing with us!

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