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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tickle Your Thinker

Did you know that happy people are more likely to get married, and married people are more likely to be happy? (Raisinghappiness.com, April, 2011)


Did you know that those who shop daily are more likely to live longer than those who shop only once a week? (msnbc.msn.com, April 2011)

These are some of the recent statistics that have been tickling my thinker this week. Of course, the latter statistic is greeted with great enthusiasm by the thrift store shoppers of my family, and the former statistic I find interesting because I've found it to be true in my own experience.

The lifelong commitment of marriage was intended by God for our benefit, and even for our happiness. God uses such things "for our good always." I know that I have been happier married than I was before I got married.

As for daily shopping, there's nothing in the Bible about it, but it is an amusing statistic. I personally think we could all benefit equally from going out for a daily walk rather than spending money so often. ;)

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