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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Money-Saving Ideas When Taking Kids Out to Eat

Keep a little bit of dough in your pocket!

As a family, we try to take the kids out to eat about once a week.  Because we live in such a small place (a 320 square foot motorhome,) it’s nice to get the family around a real table every once in a while.
1.      Pick a cheap place!  Perhaps this goes without saying, but McDonald’s is cheaper than Taco Bell, which is cheaper than Wendy’s, which is cheaper than Cracker Barrel, which is cheaper than Applebee’s!  For the most part, we eat at fast-food restaurants, because kids like them better most of the time, and they are also cheaper.

2.      Order from the dollar menu!  Save big expenses like Happy Meals for such big deals like birthdays, etc.  Think of it this way: if you have 3 children, and each of them get a Happy Meal ($2.99, $3.49, or $3.99,)  you could be spending anywhere from $9 to $12 just for some hamburgers, fries, and drinks.  (Their meal may be happy, but yours is a Sad Meal!)  Besides that, many times a portion gets tossed in the trash and wasted!  Since waste is basically money down the drain, that’s a no-no!  Save money by getting each of them a dollar hamburger and let them split an order of fries.

3.      Eat smaller!  Remember that whopper burgers also mean whopper calories!  A practice that they have in Oregon is that there is always a calorie count on each item on the menu, right beside the item.  That was an eye-opening experience for me.  I discovered that my favorite hamburger is around 1000 calories, not to mention the fries!!  Needless to say, I had to make some adjustments to my order.

Kids don’t need tons of calories either.  A small drink can have anywhere from 110-160 calories, and that can add up even on a child.  Trying to keep your portions small will save you money twice – once when buying the food, and again in not having to go to the doctor’s as much with weight-related issues!

4.      Drink water at meals.  It’s unbelievable how much they charge for a soda; anywhere between $1.29 to $2.99!!  Instead of ordering that combo you usually get, order the burger and water.  You’ll leave just as full.

5.      Do lunch instead of dinner.  Sometimes we do splurge and take the kids to a place like Hometown Buffet or Cracker Barrel.  But it’s best to do that for lunch.  Sometimes we even have a late lunch and save a ton of money!  Many of the buffets carry their lunch pricing until 4pm, so if you have an early dinner, it can save you bucks.

6.      Everybody order kids’ meals!  Sometimes we go to a place that allows adults to order off the children’s menu.  When we do that, we still tip as though we ordered adult meals, because we know that the waitress does just as much work. 

7.      Don’t short the waitress!  One place you do not want to skimp is the tip – make it worth someone’s while to wait on you.  We have all heard of the preacher who shorted the waitress’s tip, and then wondered why she would never listen to the gospel!  Let that not be said of any of us.  I learned, especially with a large family, that it is a very good testimony if we try to leave our table somewhat neat, and leave a substantial tip.  In my mind, that’s what Christians do.  If you can’t afford a tip, then go fast food.

8.      Look for specials, like Kids Eat Free Night!  Some places have them twice a week like Tuesdays and Saturdays.  Some places offer two children’s meals free if you buy one adult meal, and some places offer just one.   Also, you need to be careful that you buy the qualifying meal, or you may not get anything free!  (Ask me how I know!)  Again, tip as though you were paying for everything.  Waitresses are still on their feet working no matter how much you get for free.

Next time you feel the squeeze of your four walls,  go out to eat…cheaper!

Don't keep rolling on hungry, roll on happy!

Monday, November 28, 2011


The birthday girls!

Jason gave Sharon a bouquet of flowers!

"Ooooo!  Look what I got!"

I can’t believe it, but it’s true!  Sharon just turned 17 years old on Saturday!

And Johanna turns 11 years old today!!

Will somebody please tell me how that happened? 

Where have the years gone? 

I remember when they were little, hearing people tell me, “They grow so fast.  Enjoy them while they’re young.”  But in the midst of sleepless nights and sibling fights during the day, I would think to myself, “I sure hope so!”  God gave grace for that time, and now they’re just about grown.

Maybe you’re mired in the bog of the constant activity of little children, and you have trouble “seeing the forest for the trees.”  I’ve been there.  I know what that’s like.  And I know you’ve heard it before: time really does fly by!

Sharon & Johanna, you’ve become wonderful young ladies, and I am so eager to see what the Lord has in store for you!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Money-Saving Recipe: Grandad’s Famous Carcass Soup!

It's good for what ails you!
One of my favorite parts of the Thanksgiving celebration is the leftovers!  How wonderful it is that the Lord not only blesses us, but He blesses us abundantly!!  Never is that more true than at Thanksgiving. 

When I was growing up, all my relatives would get together, and we would have a tremendous amount of food.  Naturally, there were leftovers.   Since my parents were Depression Babies, nothing ever went to waste.  So the next day, Mom and Dad would make the Best Soup Ever, lovingly dubbed “Carcass Soup,” in reverence to the poor turkey carcass that gave itself for our Thanksgiving feast.

This particular soup was eagerly anticipated by us hungry young-uns, and the old-uns alike, so the recipe became one of those passed-down-through-the generations type of recipes.  Now, no Thanksgiving celebration could be complete with my own children without a large pot of Grandad’s Famous Carcass Soup simmering on the back burner on Black Friday.

Since becoming an adult, I discovered that many people cook up a juicy twenty-five pound turkey on Thanksgiving Day only to turn around and throw the carcass away, or to feed it to their cats!!  Making Carcass Soup is a great, tasty way to be good stewards of what God has given to us!

Here’s the recipe:

1 Carcass of turkey, or deli chicken, or other roasted chicken
1 c chopped onion
1 c chopped celery
1 T salt
1/2 t pepper
4-6 c water
2 T powdered chicken boullion
½ c barley (optional)

Combine above.  Bring to boil and simmer until meat is falling off the bones.  Remove carcass.  Add 2 c egg noodles to broth and continue simmering until tender.  Meanwhile, remove chicken from carcass & add back to broth.  Serve or cool to skim the fat from the top; then reheat and serve.

Enjoy!  If you let me know you tried it and liked it, I’ll tell Grandad!  It would make his day.

Rolling on with a full tummy, 

Monday, November 21, 2011

5 Ways to Spice Up Your Marriage This Thanksgiving (or any time!)!

In this day of hectic schedules and electronic distractions, it becomes more and more important to make the extra effort to put a little – or a lot! – zip to marriage.  Whether we’ve been married for twenty eight days or twenty-eight years (as I have!!) these tips can be a help to us as we try to make this Thanksgiving time even more special.

I heard a preacher the other day mention that Thankfulness is really “Thinkfulness,” taking a bit of time to think about the blessings I’ve received, and also to be thankful for who has benefitted my life.  If we really think about it, everything we have and everything we are comes from someone else.  As Lincoln once said, “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”

So today, let’s take some time to think about the most important relationship we have in this world: our marriage.  Here’s an acrostic with five thoughts on giving your marriage a lift this holiday season:

Take time to greet each other with a smile every morning!
                This may sound stupid, but I just started to do this recently.  Every morning I get up earlier than everyone else, so my mind is already on step 5 by the time they all open their eyes.  I often have some big theory, plan, idea, or question working around in my head by the time I first see my husband in the morning.  And sometimes, there’s some irritating thing that has happened.  To greet him with a smile takes an effort, especially if there are pressing matters, but it has made our mornings and whole days much more smooth!

Hug every day!
                Perhaps this goes without saying, but a hug every day is a must!  It keeps the embers glowing.

Inquire how the other is doing!
                Again, this is a no-brainer, but those of us who are married beyond recongnition often forget the most simple – and most important – of things.  Communication is the backbone of marriage, and a simple, “So how did you sleep last night?” can help someone get over the morning grumpies.  Perhaps it’s just a question asked sincerely, “How was your day?”  Little things that show we care are often the best things.

Nothing replaces physical intimacy!
                The hugs, the talks, the questions are all good and have their place, but nothing replaces physical intimacy.  God made you one flesh, and it’s important to keep the embers going and let it flare up…often!

Know that God supports our efforts!
                God is behind marriage!  It was His design for couples to be married – happily.  So understand that, with  every effort you put into strengthening your marriage, God puts more.  It is up to us to do the natural, and He does the supernatural.  Many times, however, we are too lazy or selfish to do the natural part, and so nothing gets done.  “We are laborers together with God” 1 Corinthians 3:9

It’s been said that “Divine Grace works on the lines of human effort.”  It’s not enough just to trust God to work, our own human effort must make an investment.

So let’s put some "Thinkfulness" into our Thanksgiving season this year, and enjoy some of the spice!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thwarting Your Family's Predator

Everything I ever learned about parenting all in one post!

The Predator is on the move.  As we go blissfully through our daily lives, Satan is prowling through our homes. 

And he is seeking a choice morsel of human soul.  

Satan is targeting our children.

Just as the man-eating lions targeted individuals for their meals, Satan has targeted our children. 1 Peter 5:8 states, “your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”   Whether we are aware of it or not, there is a great battle being fought in the world  - and our children are the objective.  Satan has deceived an unbelievable number of our second generation, telling them that Christianity is simply not worth it.  Many others have been paralyzed for one reason or another, rendering them numb, useless in the service of the Lord.  It is a spiritual epidemic sweeping our nation, taking with it our most precious possession: our children.  They are streaming out of our church doors by the thousands, their arms tightly linked with the world, walking lock-step (whether they realize it or not) with the Predator.

Here are some tips I have learned from the real experts, those that have raised godly adult children:

  1. Have a joyful attitude!  No one wants what you have if what you have is misery.
  2. Be real!  If you don’t truly love God and want to serve Him, what makes you think your children will?
  3. Make God your life!  Remember that children are individuals, and they will choose different hobbies than you.  If the Lord is simply a hobby, the kids will simply select something else to enjoy.
  4. Discipline early!  If you discipline early and discipline correctly, you will not have to discipline for long.
  5. Make your children your ministry!  God has given them to you as a stewardship to Him.  They are not yours, they are His.  Teach and train them as He would want you to, and you will not go wrong.
  6. Develop strong relationships with each of your children!  The conduit through which your values pass from one to another is relationship.  If you do nothing else, strive to foster a deep bond with each or your children.
  7. Have an excellent marriage!  Do whatever it takes to make it work; pursue your mate with energy and passion.  The effort pays off in your family.
  8. Include your children in ministry!  Clean the church, sing together, work a bus route, or visit a nursing home together.
  9. Keep communication lines open!  Always be aware of slight nuances in young peoples’ responses to you. 
  10. Pray, pray, pray!  Work like it all depends on you, and pray like it all depends on God.

Satan is always on the prowl, hungry for human souls.  Moving along the fence you have erected, he pushes it, looking for areas of weakness.  Check your fence carefully; he WILL be coming along to look for weak links.  THINK about your family, your unity, your marriage, your relationships. 

Remember that your inside fortifications, your relationships, must be strong.  When your relationships are strong, the outside influences will be ineffective.

Keep rolling on for Jesus, dear ones!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ministry Update - November 16, 2011

Kevin witnessing to a soldier on Fort Hood!

It’s been a great time here on the west coast!  We continue to go to bases here, seeing what’s being done to reach the military.  Right now we’re close to Edwards AFB, which is huge land-wise, but has a very small military population.  One of our goals here is to see what is going on to reach the base.  It’s been our blessing to know that Lancaster Baptist Church is doing a tremendous job helping the airmen and women there.

Most people who are missionaries to the military either seek to start a church near a military base, pastor a church near a military base, or help a church near a base.  These folks go to the field and do the work the Lord has for them in their particular sphere of influence. 
The Lord has chosen a bit of a different route for us.  Our desire is to start churches near military bases that need a church, and to help people in existing churches reach their local bases if there is not outreach.  We have started three churches so far, two of them “military” churches – churches by a military base.  Seeing the need to help already existing churches develop effective outreaches to their local military bases, we felt the Lord tapping us for Operation Naaman: Navy, Army, Air Force Marines Action Network.

In Operation Naaman, we use our credentials in working with the military for the past 19 years and endorse Biblically sound individuals located by military bases and help them establish ministries on the base.  My husband has developed a network of connections with commanders, chaplains, and officers who are willing to help us be a blessing to our nation’s military.   

Soon we’ll be heading to Fallbrook, CA, where we will be conducting Operation Naaman by invitation, to help some folks develop an outreach to the Marines.  We were there about eight years ago and had four Bible studies on the base.  Of course, a lot has changed since then, and now there’s a whole new crop of Marines who need the Lord.  Pray that the Lord will open doors for us and our workers to establish a ministry there.

My husband’s health seems to be getting to be more of an issue.  Please keep him in prayer as we enter the winter – and illness – season.  Thank you all for your prayers!

Monday, November 14, 2011

10 Tips for Saving Money During the Holidays

"I'll be green for Christmas..."

Well, Hell-oween is over, and as soon as the “holiday” was over, the stores quickly shifted their products and put the helloween stuff on clearance and made room for Christmas items!

I don’t know about you, but when I looked around at the stores this week and noticed all the Christmas decoration, products, and gifts, I thought to myself, This is amazing!  There’s hardly a mention of Thanksgiving; these people go right from Halloween to Christmas!  That makes the Christmas season two months long!!

Yes, that’s right, folks…two months long!  That’s an incredibly long holiday season! 
That means that we may be in the stores, see the decorations, hear the music, and want to buy something because, after all, “it’s the Holidays!”  Then, as Christmas get closer, we feel that we have to buy something, because it’s Christmas!  So, in reality, we may be spending twice as much money as we normally would!

And I think the merchants really like that.

However, most of us don’t have as much money as the sand of the seashore, so we need to be careful about our expenses.  Of course, being good stewards of what God has given us requires of to be careful.

So how can you save some money this Holiday season?  Well, I’ll tell you some of the things I do.

1.       Remember that the Holidays are not about money, but about celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus.  His wonderful gift to us is what we appreciate, and we give to others because we have been so freely given to.  So, really, it’s ok not to spend yourself into oblivion and put yourself into debt until March; give out of what you have, not what you don’t have.  And enjoy the Lord and your family.

2.      Keep in mind that moderation is best in all these areas.  Just as it’s not good to indulge your taste buds constantly, you don’t need to go hog-wild over décor.  Use what you have.

3.      Thrift stores are GREAT places for decorations!  My daughter Kathryn is a professional thrift store shopper (not really, but it sounds good!), and she is also a tremendous decorator.  She tells me that she gets all her décor – I mean ALL – at her local thrift stores.  There’s a certain joy when you find something nice for an excellent price.

4.       Be moderate with baking.  Remember there will be a ton of sweets during this time of year; you don’t need to add to it by making another ton.  Enjoy Thanksgiving pies and cookies, and Christmas candy, but do not enjoy them for the next two months, or you will wear them!

5.       Plan carefully before you buy your presents.  Taking a little bit of time every day to think about what to get for who may save you a LOT of money.

6.      Shop around!   Once you decide what to get for who, look for a good buy on that item.  Stores make the most money on impulse buys; don’t let it be money out of your pocket.

7.       Shop online, either on EbayCraigslist, or Amazon.  You can avoid almost all impulse buys by simply not going into the store!  

8.      Save money on postage by using drop-shipping.  I have learned that many companies will wrap items for you and send them directly to your recipient, keeping you from having to pay postage twice!  Postage can be a major killer if you have family you like to send things to, like me!  Also, since storage space for presents is an issue, I like to have things sent directly.  It has saved me a lot of hassle in my Holidays!

9.       Visit some thrifty sites, like Money Saving Mom, or Living on a Dime.  These places can save you boodles of money by giving you a heads-up on great sales and posting useful coupons, etc.  Even when it’s not a Holiday, these sites are very helpful!

10.   Make your own home into a Holiday Haven.  A few candles, soft music, and clear counters go a long way to making your place a Happy Holiday House, if not a hint of Holiday Heaven!  Not only will you and your family enjoy the holidays more by enjoying your own home more, it can also save you money - you can curb the itch to run around if your home is happy and pleasant.  

Enjoy your Holidays, dear ones, and keep the debt monster out of your purse!

Rolling on toward Jesus’ birthday… 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Man I Never Knew...

“Don’t you worry about me, Mom, I’ll be back,” Eddie smiled at his mother and straightened – actually, tilted – his lieutenant’s cap while his mother and little sister looked on.  His mother frowned, knowing that her firstborn son was headed back out to war, even if he did call it “a cushy job.”  It was all the same to her – war.

Giving his mother a kiss and his sister a playful squeeze, Eddie strode out the door, letting the screen slam behind him.  His mother winced at the ominous sound, and she bit her trembling lip.

Yes, his navigator’s job on the PBY was a cushy job, compared to flying the Burma-India hump.  He had many missions over the hump, and had just finished a brief time of leave to visit his family before he headed out to the Pacific.  This time, he was navigating a plane to rescue downed pilots.

He arrived in Iwo Jima in July and quickly set up camp.  Soon, he wrote a letter home, “The sand here is black, but fine.  Our tents are on the top of one of the mountains overlooking the airstrip.”  Again, he reassured his mother, “don’t worry about me; I’ll be fine.”

When Eddie and his crew reported for duty the 13th of August, they received word that a pilot had gone down in the Sea of Japan.  Within minutes, their unarmed PBY and their two escort P-51s were in the air, headed for the coordinates they had been given.

What happened next has been the subject of conjecture for the past fifty years.  It is a known fact that the PBY found no pilot or wreckage in the area they were told to go to; the escort planes must have gone ahead in search of him, thinking perhaps they had been given incorrect information.  Regardless of what happened, by the time they got back to the PBY, it was down, sinking quickly, and surrounded by burning fuel.

Eddie was never coming home.

Word reached his sister and parents not long after the war was over.  Usually a very reserved and quiet man, Eddie’s father immediately went down to the basement in hopes that no one would hear his loud sobs.  His mother went right to her room, while his sister stood frozen in the kitchen.  The wails, sobs, and cries coming from the basement pierced her soul.  She would never be the same again, and neither would her parents.

This story was told to me personally by the young girl, who is my mother.  Eddie is the uncle I never knew.  Her brother, Eddie, was shot down only two days before the war was over, and it affected her – all of us - the rest of our lives.

Eddie never got to finish his engineering degree at Purdue University.  He never got to rub noses with his own baby.  Once he went overseas, he never again got to enjoy American soil.  He gave all so we could be free.

To those who have given so much for our country, I know that “Thank you” could never really be enough, but it is still spoken with a heartfelt gratitude and reverence for your sacrifice. 

To all veterans and their families….thank you.

Orange Dreams

What a cute little place!

The other day, a dear fellow took us out to lunch at this cute little place in the fruit growing region of The Orange Works is a converted orange packing place amidst acres and acres of orange groves.  It's a really beautiful restaurant that is only open from 11am to 4pm - just a lunch place - with a very sparse  but delicious sandwich menu.  Most of us ordered the tri-tip sandwich, a slow-roasted marinated beef on a monster bun!  The specialty garlic sauce brought out the flavor of the meat, and the meal came with a bag of chips, a soda, and their daily special flavor ice cream.  That day just happened to be orange or lemon ice cream, so I chose the orange.  It was just like an orange dreamsicle, with a little bit of pulp!  Yum!

Now I'm hungry again!

May your blessings outweigh your burdens, and your burdens be rolled onto Jesus, dear ones!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

When You Are Tired...

This is the way I feel sometimes!

"Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."
-Sir Winston Churchill

Rest when you need to, but never lose your vigilance on the home front.  Keep rolling on for Jesus, dear ones!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Human Icicle

This is nothin' compared to how I felt this morning!!

Just in case you think life on the road is all peaches ‘n cream, allow me to lay that myth to rest.  One way in which living in a converted bus is different than living in a home is plainly obvious in the shower.

To start with, all of our plumbing is under the floor of the bus, and that means it is neither heated nor cooled.  It is merely outdoor temperature.  Our water heater can only heat the shower water so many degrees warmer than the water going into it.  So, that makes the shower frustratingly hot in the summer, and cold in the winter. 

Today, another dynamic was added: having to greatly conserve water because we’re running on the tank.  Now, our onboard tank hold 100 gallons of water, which gets us through a whole day’s worth of showers for 6 people plus one load of laundry.  That’s not bad.  And that usually works fine until we get to our destination where we can hook up to a water source…unless something happens and we don’t make it to our destination, like last night.

Everything was going fine until my husband, Iron Stomach Raub, got sick…terribly sick.  The odd thing is, in all the years I’ve known him (which is about thirty-three!) he’s NEVER gotten sick like that.  He’s gotten sick in other ways, but not stomach sick.  Unfortunately, he’s the only driver of this mess, and so we didn’t make it to our destination.  Instead, we spent the night in a Walmart parking lot.

That means that the water which was slated to last for a day has to last for an undetermined amount of time.

But, back to the shower.
This morning, I had to take a shower that used about 1 to 2 gallons of water. 
But to complicate matters, it was cold last night, about 31 degrees.  And our shower room has no heat.
I estimate my water temperature to be about 50-60 degrees, and the shower room air temperature to be about the same, but the floor of the shower room was about 40 degrees.  Add to that, the fact the condensation builds up inside the rooftop vent (35 degrees) and drips down on my back (no longer 98.6 degrees) because there’s only 2 feet worth of space in the shower room.  Yikes!

I think I was an icicle when I got out.  

But I succeeded in only using my allotted amount of water!
Hopefully, My Beloved will be better soon…(like, in the next few hours??) and we can roll along.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

They may look innocent, but...

See that cement post on the left?  It's not as innocent as it seems!

We got hung up today trying to get the bus into a tight spot to get fuel on our way out of town.  We didn't know the cement post was there until we ran into it, but run into it we did!  I thought it was funny how about half a dozen men came out of nowhere, swarmed around and offered their opinions about what to do.  It was quite a scene; I imagine it probably made some of those guys' day to help us out.  (Excitement is hard to come by in Albany!)  Thankfully, with prayer and a lot of fancy maneuvering on my husband's part, and we were on our way again.  It'll take some buffing to get the blue scrape marks off the side of the bus, but it should come out.

Off we go to Southern California!

Keep rolling on for Jesus, dear ones!

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